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Maternity Restrictions are Inhumane.

In a recent statement, the Chief Clinical Officer of the HSE announced an easing of the visiting restrictions in maternity hospitals. I want to be positive and believe that we are moving in the right direction. This is an admission from the HSE that it is no longer acceptable to deny a parent access to scans and antenatal appointments. Surely, we will now see an end to women labouring alone.

Women’s Health After Motherhood – Participating in the Mammi Study

Mother massaging child's feet

I first heard of the MAMMI study in 2012 during the booking visit for my first pregnancy. A team of researchers in Trinity College were looking into the health of women before and after the birth of their first baby. They wanted to find out the impact of pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood on the women of Ireland. The research looked at issues such as incontinence, mental health, pelvic girdle pain, sexual health, nutrition and physical activity.

Pack Your Bags: What to put in your hospital bag

Pregnant woman holding baby grow

What is in your hospital bag? Are you struggling to fit in everything you have been told you NEED to bring with you? Do you know what you want and need to have with you in hospital? And when should you have your bag ready to go?